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News from Robert Frew Playwright and writer, actor and director collaborators will appear on this page.


Some pictures from the production of POWER & PROTEST that took place at The Drayton Arms Theatre on 2nd and 3rd June  2024. 


News on another chance to see the show coming soon.



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We are delighted to announce our wonderful cast for 'Power and Protest' at the Drayton Arms Theatre on Sunday 2nd and Monday 3rd June 2024.


Clockwise from top left: 


Rowland D. Hill plays President Karim in The Palace Garden and The Hon. Hugh Dundas MP in Batavian.


Diana Brooks plays Sabina in The Jury Room. 


Pete Picton plays Adam in The Palace Garden and Ruslan in The Jury Room. 


Michael Gillett plays Ricky in Batavian and Yusif in The Jury Room.


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Introducing the director of Power and Protest, Anna Clart.


Anna has several years experience of directing productions in Berlin and in London, including at the Bread and Roses, Camden People's and Union theatres. 


Anna first worked with Robert Frew when directing staged readings of his short play Sex on the Beach at Baron's Court Theatre and then again at Actors and Writers London.

The Drayton Arms Theatre - Monday 22nd April. Playwright Robert Frew (left),  Lighting Technician Will Carpenter and Director Anna Clart discuss staging and lighting ideas for the Power and Protest show on Sunday 2nd and Monday 3rd June.


Will was formerly a lighting technician at the National Theatre, so the production is in safe hands. 

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